Payment System:
We use ClassForKids. Parents are invoiced automatically on a pro rata basis upon booking through the platform. The amount invoiced for each block can differ depending upon the number of weeks in a school term. Card payment is preferred but we also accept bank transfer.
Sibling Discount: 20% off
Bursary: If your household income is less than £35k per annum you may qualify for our bursary, reducing fees to either £3.25 (per 45 min class) or £4.25 (per 60 min class). Please get in touch for more information before making payment after booking. We like to try and make finance less of a burden to families.
If you wish to donate to help us continue our work you can click the donate button below.
Note: a PayPal account is not required and debit or credit card is accepted.
Thank you for your continued support!
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